Industrial Shrink Wrap Nelson | Napier | Hastings | Taupo | NZ

5With a proven track record of industrial shrink-wrapping for over a long time, is sure to provide your equipment, boat, product and materials with protection for transportation and/or storage. Industrial shrink-wrapping is a cost-effective and efficient way of protecting just about anything. Contact us for more details 0800 474746 / 0800

Scaffold Shrink Wrap Services Whangarei | Blenheim | NZ

4The scaffold is often an integral part of Shrinkwrapping. It is imperative that scaffold structure is constructed in a way that it is fit for purpose.

Shrink-Wrap can manage the scaffolding process for you, creating the ultimate design and serving all your needs. Either by supplying and installing our own scaffolding or for larger projects – managing the design alongside reputable leading alliance partners. Contact us for more details 0800 474746 / 0800

Construction Shrink Wrapping Services Kaikoura | Whanganui | NZ

3A construction site can be a durable place. Whether it’s the construction of a new building or renovation/add-on to an existing one, there’s the risk of weather eroding all the hard work or ceasing it for a long period of time. Unlike conventional tarps, our premium shrink wrap provides a durable, tight, professional solution that can withstand high winds and adverse weather conditions. Our shrink wrap have been carefully formulated to a superior industrial containment scaffold wrap that has set new standards in the containment industry for its strength, durability, versatility and low maintenance. Contact us for more details 0800 474746 / 0800

Industrial Products Shrink Wrapping Services Wanaka | New Plymouth | NZ

2The best solution for those who manufacture a wide variety of products in different sizes and shapes that need to be stored and/or transported without damage is our shrink wrap. We supply only 100% virgin resin shrink wrap featuring the maximum UV inhibitors to ensure long-term usage and excellent protection. Contact us for more details 0800 474746 / 0800


boat-shrink-wrapShrink wrapping from is the very most excellent way to protect your boat from the harsh touch of the coming season. The shrink wrapping that they offer is strong and durable, so it will not rip or tear as the boat is handled or subjected to the elements. The wrapping goes very far down the boat’s side, so that the hull is protected along with the deck, meaning that no part of the boat will be compromised. The wrapping can be left on all winter and removed easily in the summer, when you will find your boat still in the same excellent condition that it was the year before.

Shrink wrapping your Marine is very significant as the boating season comes to an end and the winter season, when boats require to be put up in storage, approaches. The weather is the biggest enemy of any boat, as it can damage a boat in many ways if you are not careful, and can make it so that you have to spend the entire following season repairing the boat instead of using it. Boats that are not carefully stored and protected will be exposed to this weather, something that can cut down on the span of the boat’s life dramatically.

Boat Shrink Wrapping Company NZ

The goal of the shrink wrapping is to offer a plastic surface for all rain, snow, hail, and ice to come in contact with. These things, that can be so harmful to a wooden boat, will have no effect at all on the plastic wrapping. They will simply slide down to the ground, while the boat sits in storage with no damage at all. This saves times in repairs and getting the boat ready the next year, and also gives you a comforting peace of mind all winter long; as you can know that your boat is surviving the season intact.

Testimonial of our Customer


  • Shrink wrap protects against weather damage.
  • It’s waterproof!! It can fully encapsulate just about anything.

Things to Consider to Shrink Wrap your Item

shrink-wrapping-companies-in-new-zealandAre you trying to store or cover an item but having a hard time in finding the best way to get it covered? You are never alone in such a dilemma. Yet thanks to the latest shrink wrapping technology that provides the best covering to any item and reducing possible damages.

Many people are getting used to wrap items in a traditional way, using the usual plastic material that often times are not good enough in preventing outside threats. If you want to get the best covering for any item, the best option is to shrink wrapping.

If you decide to go for shrink wrapping, there are several things that you need to keep in mind in order to get the best:

Materials and Tools

What makes shrink wrapping the best option are the materials and tools used. Unlike the usual wrapping material normally used, shrink wrapping used high quality plastic material such as Polypropylenes. In which is known of its resistive property against acid and chemicals.

Shrink Wrapping Companies

It is necessary that you consider the type of material being used to shrink wrap. The kind of materials used to wrap will say how protected and covered your item will get. If hiring a company to do the wrapping, asking about the material and tools they use is imperative.

Processes and Procedures

Though it may seem that the shrink wrapping technology is the best, not many company that says they offer the best services do use the right process when wrapping. It is very important that you look at the actual process and the procedures done.

There is a process in which will enable a moisture free environment for an item being wrapped. Depending on the item and the kind of wrapping that you want, there will be a specific process that will work for it.

Turn Around Time

Shrink wrapping can also be effective if you can find a company that can perform the process in a short period of time. There are companies in which can offer you the assistance in the fastest way that you need it. They can even come to your place to get the job done.

It is known that shrink wrapping is the easiest and the fastest way to get your item or equipment wrapped. However, not having the best company to help you out, you can never have your item shrink wrapped fast and secure.

Shrink Wrapping Services

We are a firm of experienced professionals engaged in offering Shrink Wrapping Services. We offer this service in an excellent manner within a scheduled time-frame. In addition, our offered service is widely demanded by our clients owing to its high reliability and perfect execution. This service is carried out under the supervision of our experts. Our professionals check all the steps necessary for rendering this service and execute it in an excellent manner. We charge nominal prices from our clients for the execution of these services.

Can Your Shrink Wrap Anything?

shrink-wrapping-servicesConsidering the procedures and the technology that involve shrink wrapping, many people will wonder if it is applicable to anything. Can you have anything be shrinking wrapped? The answer is a true yes. You need to understand that shrink wrapping is not limited for a particular item.

The good news is that in whatever wrapping needs, either for big equipment or small, you can get the covering and containment that you look for. There are many companies that are able to provide the best shrink wrap help that you want for your items.

The use of shrink wrapping evolved from merely using it for packaging of small products, keeping it protected from any outside contaminations. But it eventually evolved to cater bigger equipment. It is now being used for the construction purposes up to the wrapping of transportation vehicles.

Construction Use

If you are having some house construction and renovation projects, shrink wrapping is your aid in covering some areas of the house. Other than letting the open area of the house uncovered, having it shrink wrapped is the best way to keep it protected against the weather changes.

Building Shrink Wrapping Services

The use of shrink wrapping is also evident in scaffolding projects. Covering up a construction site for the right kind of protection is crucial. Therefore, having the right wrapping technology and material to use will make it more effective.

Transportation Use

Do you need to store and protect your car or even as big an airplane? The good news is that shrink wrapping is your number one help. Putting a car or an airplane in storage without the proper covering is a bad idea. Having it wrapped with the right technology will keep protected and safe.

In case you also want to transport or travel big furniture or equipment in a far distance, shrink wrapping can be of help. Damages are inevitable during transport due to some outside factors. Then wrapping the equipment will put you at ease.

Marine Use

You read that right, shrink wrapping is not just limited to dry items. It can also very beneficial for marine uses. For instance, you are planning to make some repair and renovations on a boat. You definitely require to have it covered up, protecting it against rain and too much heat of the sun.

Therefore, the use of shrink wrapping can never be underestimated. Check out the best company in your area if you are in need to have your equipment to shrink wrap.

Shrink Wrapping is absolutely best for any of your needs. Check out the best company to shrink wrap your item. You can visit, Shrink Wrap for more ideas.

Shrink Wrapping – For Temporary Weather Protection


Are you having some trouble in protecting your equipment or even your property from the effects of weather changes? You are certainly not alone in such a dilemma. However, you now have the solution in getting the temporary protection for your valuables through shrink wrapping.

The technology and the innovative technique to shrink wrap your equipment is the best way to achieve the protection that you want. You don’t have to settle for some ordinary and old traditional covering for shrink wrapping can now give your item the outstanding protection.

For instance, there is an ongoing house renovation or improvement and you need to cover up a certain part of the house. Going with the option to shrink wrap it is great. You can be sure that your house will get the best temporary covering, protecting it against the weather changes.

If you also want to cover up your huge vehicles such as your car, a van or even an airplane for storing, shrink wrapping is the best option. There is a great benefit if you would decide to have it shrink wrapped. With the techniques and technology used, it offers the best protection.

You can also depend on shrink wrapping if you are trying to repaint any equipment and you want to get it covered. Some weather disturbances such as rain, snow and even too much heat of the sun can cause damage to your newly painted equipment. Thus, the temporary protection that the shrink wrapping can give is what you want.

Getting the best temporary protection from shrink wrapping can be made possible because of the technology and the material used to wrap. There is even an option to have a moisture-free wrapping. You can inquire and get that option from the best shrink wrapping company around.

You don’t have to worry about the effects of weather condition for your valuables. As long as you got it shrink wrapped. You can be assured of getting the best temporary protection. Your main priority however is to find the best company to assist you.

There are instances that people would go about in doing the wrapping on their own. Yet, if you want to get the right and the best protection, having the experts to do the wrapping is crucial. They are the ones with the right tools and materials to do the best shrink wrapping and providing the best protection that you want.

Industrial Containment Shrink Wrap